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After recognizing the gap between the current state and the desired state. It's essential to be specific and objective while describing the problem. Collecting relevant data and information related to the issue is very important for the triage and making the problem actionable

Establishing clear goals and objectives that the solution should try to achieve. This helps in keeping the solution generation focused in scope and outcomes measurable.

After finding the root-cause the actual generatation and analyze of potential solutions may start. Assesment of potential solustions are done with feasibility, potential benefits, risks, and alignment with the defined goals. Narrowing the options down to one best candidate and deciding to implement that.

Identifying the lessons learned from the process and assess the overall effectiveness of the solution. However problem-solving is not always a linear process. It often involves iteration and adaptation as new information is found and connected or unexpected challenges arise.

Skill in recognizing and defining the core issues within a complex situation.
Problem Identification
Not giving up easily and remaining determined to find a solution, even when faced with setbacks or difficulties
Being flexible and open-minded when facing new challenges, and being able to adjust strategies based on changing circumstances